EZ De-Coke
KnightHawk has performed many failure analyses on heat exchanger applications. One common root cause has been fouling due to coke build up plugging the tubes of Transfer line Exchangers in ethylene plants. KHE has developed a proven methodology for slowing the buildup of coke and improving the efficiency of removal of the coke as well as lengthen run times between de-coke efforts and reduce damage caused by de-coke efforts. KHE has developed a solution with an engineered product. EZ De-Coke is an engineered coating which is custom designed for specific high temperature applications.
- Longer run times between De-Coke procedures.
- More on line de-coke cycles before mechanical de-coke required.
- Can remove coke with a pressure washer instead of more rigorous methods that can damage the refractory and tubesheet.
- Easier removal of coke reducing down time.